
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Oh my--we had ourselves a bit of "jealousy"
 here today when I went to photograph the Hexie flowers for this week--
First--Miss Chook thought it was her turn to show them off--
 Then she decided that her left side would look better in a photo--
sooo--who am I to argue with a chook--
about this time though--
Miss Gracie starts in -- saying this week was her week--
to smell the flowers and her photo taken with them!!!!
Sooo--I did !!!!
now where were these two when I had to sew them together and kept pricking my finger??????

First thing this morning I had to go downstairs for a team/step walking group picture--
our  captain, Melinda, said she did not care if we came in our pj's--just get there!!!
so I wore my 'mu-mu' and my flannel white night cap and carried a dolly!!!
I got alot of good laughs--but --the real laugh was on me--Melinda would not let me take it off--
so I am in this photo wearing my 'night cap'!!!!
will share that photo when I get to see it???????(maybe!!!!)

Then office Anne took me to a green house for plants for my garden--
and now I have a pretty one--
Once these all get going and the morning glory plants get climbing up the wire trellis--
we will have some really pretty photos!!!
and yes as you can see I did plant all '13' 4-6 packs and 2 pots of morning glories--

Later I did the laundry and then I went out and did my walk and took lots and lots of photos, with the big boy camera--
here's some--
Here is one of Kevin with his 'new service' dog, Norman--
Here is a row of peas growing in the garden--
I have not watched peas grow in years--I just love the vines!!!
Is this bush not just lovely---think it is so different and it is just loaded with these tiny white flowers--

and here is another decorating project--
Top shelf in the dolly cabinet--
I have had that black rack for nearly a year or longer and never could find a home for it--
it is perfect for in there!!!
And the bottom shelf--
I did get more done yesterday--but no photos yet!!!!

Well--I better end this for tonight--
Hugs, Di and Miss Gracie


Sinta Renee said...

Lots of beautiful pictures here! Love the little white flowers! I don't think I knew that you trained (Kevin trained) service dogs. I always thought that would be a good thing to do.

Alice said...

You have been very busy with your big-boy camera. Very pretty! you decorating is looking good--you will be finished in no time.